Welded HH Gregg frames for signage and advertisements in their stores.
HH Gregg Frames
Work in progress.
Door and window prop
Door and window open and close with the aid of a welded frame.
Door and window prop (back side)
Welded frame rigged to open and close window as zombie limbs appeared to be breaking in. Mild steel.
Yogoth demon base and torso
Fabricated the steel base and upright load bearing beams which were articulated with multiple cylinders. Also welded the articulated armature which moved the head, jaw and arms. Mild steel.
Monkey cages
Metal cages fabricated for a moving prop. Mild steel.
Scorpion track
Welded moving track and structure which supported the scorpion prop as well as articulated the pincers, stinger and legs. Mild steel.
Giant Eagle Candy Chandelier
Raising Cane's Drive-Thru Menu Board
Aluminum menu board for fast-food restaurant drive thru. Welded base, and structural frame. Hand brushed aluminum sheet metal with grinder.